Up On the Rooftop: Spring Storm Preparation

Up On the Rooftop: Spring Storm Preparation

Gary St. JohnHome Maintenance & Repair

The roof is the structure that protects the rest of your house, but what protects the roof? Before spring weather becomes a problem, learn more about the importance of being prepared and use these tips for roof spring storm preparation.

The Cause and Effect of Damage

Wind and hail cause the most damage to roofs in our area. To many residents, the damage caused by nature is obvious and immediate. After a storm, you may notice large patches of shingles that have been torn from your roof or damage to flashing and gutters. On the other hand, some damage will be less obvious and may take time to become apparent. It can be difficult to spot potential problems without a thorough inspection.

When left alone, the damage caused by storms can cause issues on both the outside and the inside of your home. The biggest concern is water damage. If shingles and other pieces of the roof are missing, your home will be vulnerable to the rain that comes with spring storms. Water will weaken the structure and potentially make its way into the house and cause damage to ceilings and walls.

What to Look For

Roof spring storm preparation should start with an inspection of the areas that might cause a problem. Most potential problems can be seen from the ground, eliminating the need to climb on top of the house. Here’s what to look for:

  • Areas where singles are broken or completely missing
  • Areas where shingles are bucking or curling around the edges
  • Rusty areas on metal flashing
  • Cracks in caulking
  • Moss growing on any area of the roof

Solving Problems on Your Own

If you’re interested in tackling home projects yourself, there are some tasks that are relatively easy. Look for simple problems like loose nails that can easily be hammered back in. Cleaning out gutters is a quick but important chore that will save you from water damage as well.

A trip to the hardware store will give you everything you need to make further repairs. Caulk is inexpensive, and going over any cracked areas with a fresh coat will prevent leaks. For those who feel up to the challenge, replacing shingles is more time consuming but also very doable.

Calling in the Professionals

While much roof spring storm preparation and repair can be done by homeowners, you may need to have a professional handle some projects. If you find there is damage to your roof but can’t get on the roof to assess the extent, have a contractor check it out. A professional inspector can let you know exactly what needs to be done to resolve existing or potential problems.

A professional will also be able to make any repairs that must be done before the spring storms—from patching the roof to repairing cracks in the gutters. With the help of a professional, you can rest assured that your home will be safe from water damage.

Spring storms are just around the corner. Make sure your home is protected by calling us today.

Find the Right Roofer

Restore your roof today. Use this free checklist to help find the right roofer for YOU!